Telenet's firewall at your home

© Jean Huens 2014 0317

Telenet has installed a firewall to protect your computers at home.
This firewall is now split in a old IPv4 part and a new IPv6 part.

Default Firewall

The default firewall (for Ipv4 and Ipv6) seems  setup (seems: we could not find official documentation)
Litle is officially known about the Telenet Firewall at your home.


  1. Ports 0-1024 are blocked one cannot e.g. setup a ssh server at home, unless one connects it to e.g. port 2022.
    (both for IPv4 and IPv6 )
  2. IPv6 has its own set of ICMP messages. Telenet blocks most of these except those necessary for the correct operation of your computers. E.g. "host unreachable , ...)

  3. The ICMP6 messages which are not blocked are "rate limited" to avoid denial attacks.

Changing IPv4 firewall

This is done by a web interface:
telenet ipv4 firewall

This setup allows my home machine hastierre to act as a ssh server listening on some higher port. (the port forwarding is not used)

Changing IPv6 Firewall

Some information about IPv6 are helpful:
  1. Most implementation on IPv6 on desktiops and laptops use "Privacy extensions". These computers will use more or less random addresses when connecting to the outside world.
    To allow these computers one has to specify an address range (CIDR range) in a firewall rule source address.
  2. Even when using "privacy extensions" each computer has one global Ipv6 address, This address should be used in the target address of the firewall rule.
The Telenet Helpdesk when asked for help about the IPv6 firewall, did produce this URL (20140315)

These suggestions may help when adding (or changing) rules to the IPv6 firewall.
  1. Source can be host / Cidr /Any:
    for Cidr is accepts network ranges e.g. 2a02:2c40:0:a007::/64   (this is a subrange range of Computerwtenschappen)
    You need CIDR to accept connections from a computer with privacy extensions.
  2. Poort  of range:
    Even when 1. is ANY you need to specify a port or range.
    By some experimenting I did find out that e.g. 2000:2256 is an accepted syntax for a range
  3. When you click "firewall rule toevoegen"  some syntax? checking seems to be done. Invallid or missing field are marked in red.
  4. When the Firewall rule is syntactically? accepted you still need to store the changes (indicated with a green tekst) by clicking "wijzigingen opslaan". (see below)
telenet add ipv6 firewall rule

Tests (20140314)

The "wijzigingen opslaan" may result in a number of messages. I have seen
  1. "Error"
  2. "wijziging tijdelijk niet mogelijk" After a few hours this did change into "error"
  3. A pop up "server error" window from my browser (Iceweasel/debian or Firefox/ubuntu.)
In my humble opinion the webinterface or the firewall behind seems rather new/instable/experimental...

  Yet I did succeed in entering one rule, to access an ssh server at home from e.g.
This rule will not work
telenet ipv6 ssh server

Tests (20140317)

During the weekend (15-16 march) Telenet did an upgrade of the "mijn telenet" website. Apparently with success:

Firewall rule for Ipv6 ssh server access at home

  1. The source address is for all hosts at 2a02:2c40:0:a007::/64  (network with dellzebub and friends).
  2. The port range 1025:65000 is used to allow all ports set up by users processes (1025:65535 would be better).
  3. The destination address is the global dynamic adress of my home ssh server. Found under Linux with :
    hastierre:~$ ip address show
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    4: ...0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:14:c1:22:50:96 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global wlan0
    inet6 2a02:1810:b80b:4100:51ad:2483:6a14:ea88/64 scope global temporary dynamic
    valid_lft 566766sec preferred_lft 48366sec
    inet6 2a02:1810:b80b:4100:214:c1ff:fe22:5096/64 scope global dynamic
    valid_lft 566766sec preferred_lft 48366sec
    inet6 fe80::214:c1ff:fe22:5096/64 scope link
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

  4. The target port range includes two ports on which the ssh server listens 20 and 2022.
    This is used for a test which shows that lower ports (0-1024?) are allways blocked. (same for IPv4)