
Using Pidp-11

Original PiDP-11 documentation

The instructions described under "prepare your Pi" option #2 make a few assumptions

After executing the instructions (

/opt/pidp11/install/ )you get

  1. Install the necessary raspbian packages
  2. Modify your system to start pidp11 at boot
    /etc/init.d/pdp11 is a link to /opt/pidp11/etc/rc.pidp11
  3. In the /home/pi a file is installed.
    At the end of .profile is started
  4. starts using screen a connection to the already running pdp11 smulator.

Startup procedure

/etc/init.d/pdp11 is a link to /opt/pidp11/etc/rc.pidp11
and starts starts /opt/pidp11/bin/

This script uses /opt/pidp11/bin/scansw
My guess scansw reads the blinkenlight console to select what to start.
Then /opt/pidp11/bin/ is used to choose the system from /opt/pidp11/systems/selections
and start it.

Beware the numbers in /opt/pidp11/systems/selections are 16 bit octal numbers
e.g. 0107 for unixv7 is decimal 71

To run without console I did modify /opt/pidp11/bin/, It does not use scansw but is force the selection to unixv7 (71/0107).

When the pi is booted start a terminal and

bash ./

wiill get you in the simulator.

The boot commands shown on screen will start unixv7 single user.

Beware system commands are in /etc no /sbin no /usr yet.

You are now in single user mode

First change the root passwotd with

passwd root

Going to multiuser mode will execute the comand in /etc/rc (= shell script)

Go into multiuser by typing Cntl-D

login as root.

You have all unix v7 commands.

Beware   erase char is # kill is @

the is NO command like more.....

to stop unix





sim> exit

