Detecting  Belgacom adsl problems with Debian 2.2

 This is a step by step  description how to check the components making up your Belgacom  ADSL connection. It also shows some "features" you normally
do not need in order to set up a connection.

The line from belgacom to your adsl modem

Some time after power up the LED on your  alcatel speed touch modem should turn green.
The rightmost led should turn green otherwise the problem is with your modem.
If the second rightmost led stays blinking  your modem does not see the sync signal from belgacom.
If both led show constant green your modem  seems OK otherwise read how to handle modem problems.

The ethernet connection between your modem and your computer.

There should be a RJ45 cable between  the ethernet outlet of your computer and the ethernet socket at the back of your adsl modem.
To check this you can setup an http connection between your computer and the adsl modem. (This should work even if the adsl modem does not see a sync signal.)
  If none of the previous tests (ping, http connection) did succeed

 Beware from here on I feel very uneasy about the accuracy of this text.

It is not clear to me if this still works after Belgacoms  switch to RAS PPPoE.

Connection to the ADSL gateway.

You should be able to get an IP adress by dhcp from the ethernet between your computer and the  modem.
This can on  debian 2.2 most easily be done with following steps:

Try to setup authorisation with telnet and Browser

I use this a s a test for the turboline server.